Oh hell yes, we’ve redesigned the Sample Gallery.
This third fourth interation of the Gallery Page redesign uses the quite nice and impressively versatile Cube Portfolio JQuery pugin implemented in the Bootstrap 4 framework. More commmentary below, if you’re geeky like that.
Aside from the challenges to keep it updated, since I'm still a working Art Guy, and the work does accumulate. That’s a good thing. Some of it is even pretty good stuff. That’s even better.
I will honestly own that redesigning the Sample Gallery presented some real challenges. Aside from updating the content with more recent samples, the previous version of the Gallery was done with a 2003 awareness of coding technology and skill set – tables and tags and a linear format. But that's hardly cutting edge, or classy, or what I want now, and worst – not responsive, along with the rest of the site. The tehnology, especially with mobile devices, just keeps ripping along.
I had wanted to use most, if not all the existing graphics, and not have to re-code the entire gorram thing from scratch and re-do all the art. This is even more complex as I want to show both the graphics and HTML content, be more randon access, and... yadda yadda.
No such luck. NOPE! Re-code it, monkey boy!.
There are hundreds of gallery and lightbox modules out there to choose from. I was familiar with Cube Portfolio from a another clinet’s project and liked it's look, features and customizability. Will be bringing in the content and expanding the portfolio periodically. This is actually somewhat labor-intensive, moslty re-prepping the art. But the templates do give me a leg up.
We'll see how things work out. While complex, the plugin has a lot of appealing options. Am I thinking out loud on a public-facing page? Why yes. Yes, I am.
Please Read our Studio Blog - Graphics, Design, Tech, Musings and Rants. Updated Randomly.
For the artsy ’toon fans –
A is for ART, an Artist's Primer - a Digital Restoration
Hardcover Print Edition Now Available from FRS - A blast from the past brought back to life.
Available from FRS:
FANTSASTIC REALITIES - A Life In Art & Design A sonftboud edition of my 2017 Design Retrospective
Available from FRS:
Rockland Fall, A chronicle of Digital Photography.
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We do have a FRS Facebook Page with the oceassional
rant... clever post. But we’re NOT using FB’s bandwidth-eating, data-sucking Page Plugin. Nor do we mine your personal data with FB ads. Eat my shorts, you criminals.
Bootstrap 4, Page Version 1.3 | Hosted by Mapletime,Inc | Contact the Webmaster | Digital Illustration and composite by Kurt Griffith | Copyright © 2001-2024 FRS/K.E.Griffith | Web Accessibility technology by AccessiBe | Note: Internet Explorer 10 and prior are absolutely NOT supported. Grow up! My Gods, I’ve been at this web stuff over 30 years!