Put over 40 years of craftsmanship and knowledge and professionallism to work for your project. Have your Brand, printed materials, web presence, and video content stand out from the crowd. Get the polish and competitive edge of professional design.
Call us to build your project with creatively, professionalism and class. We will work with you to create exactly the look, message, and image you need. Depending on the project, we will either arrange a project fee or an appropriate hourly rate.
We may not be the cheapest shop in the world. But to steal an appropriate line from GM... “We are Professional Grade”. We are committed to providing pro-class expertise and solutions to our clients who desire to go beyond what is possible in MS Office, and PowerPoint, or over the counter at Kinko’s, Office Depot or on Vistaprint.. What you are paying for beyond art and labor, is broad experience and deep expertise.
Is your budget tight? Use your free consultation to explore an economy solution with us, we are flexible and can create a solution for your needs. We can handle projects both small and complex.
Rates effective: January 2015
No Charge for First Consultations and/or Estimates, per project.
Standard Design Rates: $60 / Hour
We offer special reduced Referral, Chamber and Preferred Customer Rates.
Please contact us for further information. Inquire for Not For Profit Rates.
Rush, AA & Overtime Rate: $75 / Hour
For Current FRS Clients:
Courtesy Preffered Customer Rates avilable for Existing FRS Clients.
Contact us for More Information.
Rates and Project Prices DO NOT include:
Printing or Prepress Costs, Web Hosting or Domain Registration.
We're flexible! Projects may be contracted to contract fee or by-the-hour.
Custom rates for professional projects available.
We have been encouraged to provide the a slection of Prix Fixe Package Deals for of-the-shelf solutions to standard business needs. If you don't see what you want, just ask!
No charge for first consultations
Most Direct expenses are itemized at cost.
Clients are solely responsible for completeness and accuracy of all provided content and all sign offs of finished work. Errors introduced by FRS are corrected without charge
No project shall be delivered for production without client approval.
No charges for corrections of Studio errors. AAs at Standard Professional Rates.
Services beyond contract terms shall be approved by client and FRS.
Most projects include liaison with printers/vendor as needed for production as part of projects.
Rush work and work done after prepress or sign-offs shall be chared full Overtime Rates, at FRS discretion.
Payment terms:
All invoices are payable to Kurt E. Griffith or Fantastic Realities Studio.
Terms Net 30.
We accept PayPal for Credit Card Payments and Online payments.
Please Read our Studio Blog - Graphics, Design, Tech, Musings and Rants. Updated Randomly.
For the artsy ’toon fans –
A is for ART, an Artist's Primer - a Digital Restoration
Hardcover Print Edition Now Available from FRS - A blast from the past brought back to life.
Available from FRS:
FANTSASTIC REALITIES - A Life In Art & Design A softbound edition of my 2017 Design Retrospective
Available from FRS:
Rockland Fall, A chronicle of Digital Photography.
We do have a FRS Facebook Page with the oceassional rant... clever post. But we’re NOT using FB’s bandwidth-eating, data-sucking Page Plugin. Nor do we mine your personal data with FB ads. Eat my shorts, you criminals.
If you would like to learn more about 'Net Neutrality, CLICK HERE. You can also visit: www.itsournet.org
Bootstrap 4, Page Version 1.3 | Hosted by Mapletime,Inc | Contact the Webmaster | Digital Illustration and composite by Kurt Griffith | Copyright © 2001-2024 FRS/K.E.Griffith | Web Accessibility technology by AccessiBe | Note: Internet Explorer 10 and prior are absolutely NOT supported. Grow up! My Gods, I’ve been at this web stuff over 30 years!